About Me

Hiya! I’m Rachel, a Software Automation Engineer officially, but life experiencer unofficially. I live by the tagline #treatyoself.  Why make tons of money if you can’t enjoy it at the same time? I’m fortunate enough to have a family that loves to travel.  As much as I loved going on cruises that were planned by other family members and were on a strict schedule, I wanted to be able to take control and do what I wanted.  Hence the bucket list. I started the list when I was 18. First, it just consisted of places where I wanted to travel, but then I soon wanted to include things that I wanted to do as well.  

My list is never ending as I don’t want to be content with what I have done.  This is a place where I will keep track of what I have done, want to do, and maybe inspire others to update their bucket list.

Look around and hope you’re inspired to make the most of life!

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