Stavanger, Norway

If you have seen Mission Impossible - Fallout, then you would be familiar with this rock. We came to Stavanger hike Preikestolen Rock or Pulpit Rock which some people call it.

Currency: 1 USD ~ 8.25 KR

Cost: ~930 NOK (Boat to Preikestolen from Stavanger)

Travel: Take about a 45 minute boat ride to Preikestolen Rock

Accommodations: AirBnb

Gear: Merrell Ankle Snow Boots (I did see some people hiking in Vans and regular athletic shoes.

*Cue the mission impossible theme song*

This stop was strictly to climb the famous Preikestolen Rock/ Pulpit Rock which was featured in the movie Mission Impossible: Fallout. The end of the hike sets you 600m at the top of a cliff on a 25x25 meter platform. When we arrived, it was raining pretty hard so we didn’t think we were going to be able to hike.

The next day was still gloomy, but we went to the boat dock to take the ferry across the water. It was about a 45 minute boat ride to get to the base. About 10 minutes in, the weather got worse with rain and fog.

It probably wasn’t the safest thing to do in a different country when it's rainy and muddy. We followed the crowds, but it was slow due to the weather.  It probably took us around  2.5 - 3 hours to get to where we needed to be.  I didn't realize how high we were until my coworker wanted a picture at the endge of the cliff. It was a pretty crazy but rewarding feeling being up there.  The hike itself wasn't too bad, but there were some inclines that were more difficult than others. Near the top are some rocks and boulders that we had to traverse, but they weren't too bad. Like I mentioned before, the only thing that really made this hike difficult was the weather.

The clouds had rolled past and you could see the fjords.  The view took my breath away.  I couldn’t get over the fact that a hike this high and so open to the public didn’t have any fences or gates to block hikers from going there.

Check out more pictures from Preikestolen Rock in my Norway Gallery!

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